Fire Safety Engineering since 1986
The company activities mainly deal with fire prevention in the industrial sector, in the civil
sector and in the services, especially in sites with large assembly.
STZ is member, founder and/or in partnership with various associations and company networks, such as:
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
UNI (Ente italiano di unificazione)
Rhenova, which deals with requalification of the existing real estate
APPI (Associazione Professionisti della Prevenzione Incendi), which includes the most important Italian fire safety engineers
FSE Italia, a network dedicated to Fire Safety Engineering.
CFPA-Europe (Confederation of Fire Protection Associations – Europe).
Our activities mainly consist of:
Project verification
Research of applicable Italian fire prevention law
Research of the best economic and technical solutions
Preparation of the documents to be delivered to the public control Authority having
jurisdiction (Fire Fighters, ASL, CPV, etc.)
Obtaining of the Authority approval
Obtaining of the Certificato di Prevenzione Incendi (CPI) – fire prevention certificate and/or
obtaining of SCIA – Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività from the control Authority having
Renewal of fire safety conformity according to DPR 151/2011 Art. 5
Obtaining of Deroghe (compensation procedure) according to DPR 151/2011 Art. 7
Obtaining of Nulla Osta di fattibilità according to DPR 151/2011 Art. 8
Assistance during the Verifiche in corso d’opera according to DPR 151/2011 Art. 9
Site surveys and due diligence regarding fire safety
Test and certification of fire systems
Test and certification of fire resistance of bearing structures, separating structure, fire rated
doors, fire dampers, fire shutters, etc
Certification of fire reaction for finishing materials
Classes in fire prevention for private fire safety teams according to Italian law (D.M. 10.3.1998)
Risk assessment (D.Lgs. 81/2008)
Fire risk assessment (D.M. 10.3.1998)
Preparation of Emergency and evacuation plans
Application of fire safety engineering systems, according to Italian procedures (D.M. 9.3.2007),
with fluidodynamic simulation using various dedicated software (FDS, Smokeview, Pyrosim,
Application of the so-called “Codice” di prevenzione incendi, the D.M. 3.8.2015
Participation in workgroups at the Ministero dell’Interno and at the European Union.